Ease Skin Problems Hypnosis
They say the skin reflects how we feel about ourselves. Acne during any part of our life can undermine self esteem and confidence particularly during vulnerable and sensitive times such as the teenage years.
For some unlucky people, acne can continue on into adulthood. Likewise other embarrassing conditions such as eczema and psoriasis can flare up at any time.
Sometimes these skin problems respond to various creams or internal medicines providing relief to the sufferer. Not everyone though finds that these treatments continue to help. The body gets used to the treatment and eczema or psoriasis may return.
As with any physical issue there can be a psychological element involved. You may have noticed that your eczema, psoriasis or acne tends to flare up during moments of stress and anxiety. This is proof that your thoughts affect your body.
This self hypnosis mp3 helps you resolve the emotional issues of skins conditions and problems and provides beneficial suggestions to help you reduce your stress levels.
Smooth Away Skin Eruptions
Feel Confident About Your Appearance
Authored by International Hypnoanalyst Duncan McColl
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Ease Skin Problems Hypnosis
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Contains a full hypnotherapy session (running time approx 43 minutes)