Fibromyalgia FMS Hypnosis Mp3 Download

fibromyalgia hypnosis

Fibromyalgia FMS Hypnosis Mp3 Download

This Fibromyalgia Hypnosis recording can help the symptoms of Fibromyalgia Syndrome FMS. FMS is a disorder that brings both a sense of exhaustion and pain. As you will know already, FMS can affect the whole body robbing you of your energy and bringing with it sensations of pain. Unfortunately there is no known remedy for FMS.

fibromyalgia hypnosis
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The word ”Fibromyalgia” means fibrous tissues (fibro) and pain (myalgia). Some people may describe it as similar to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS, formerly known as ME) but with the addition of pain. Either way it can bring a lot of restrictions to anyone’s lifestyle

Fibromyalgia Recording Feedback
I would like to share with you my thoughts about using this recording. I was diagnosed with FM in 1997 having been ill for 3years.

This recording is a great ‘tool’ to help with the relaxation so readily needed when you are having an ‘attack’, this helped me with the pain and aided a restful sleep, something that seems to be so elusive to FM sufferers.

I would also recommend using it even when you are having good days, I have found the benefits immense. – Denise Perkins  

Depression and Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia has also an association with what are called mood disorders. Typically this means that a person may sometimes register somewhere on the spectrum of depression. You may have noticed that you are particularly affected by other people’s moods and what they say and how they treat you. You may be quick to be hurt emotionally by others. A drop in your mood may trigger an FM attack.


Hypnotherapy Helps Fibromyalgia

As stress may have been a major contributor to the onset of FM, it is vital to introduce a means to aid your relaxation and reduce your stress levels. Self hypnosis is a practice that when used regularly reduces stress and encourages relaxation and well-being.

Fibromyalgia and Hypnosis Research

In 1991 a study was conducted on the potential positive effects of hypnosis on fibromyalgia. The results were published in the Journal of Rheumatology. The study concluded patients who used hypnosis experienced significant pain reduction, less fatigue and better sleep patterns.

This professionally authored hypnosis mp3 download for fibromyalgia encourages relaxation and the ability to reduce the emotional hurt experienced because of past or future events. It was inspired by a close personal friend of the London hypnotherapist Steven Harold who suffers from fibromyalgia.

Ready for Some Extra Help
for the symptoms of Fibromyalgia FMS?

• Authored by Clinical Hypnotherapist Steven Harold

•Free Shipping wherever you are in the world

• Fibromyalgia Hypnosis recording includes 30 day “no quibble” guarantee

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Helping Healing Fibromyalgia FMS
Hypnosis MP3 Download

•Contains a full hypnotherapy session