Better Sports Performance

Excel at Sports Hypnosis Download

Do You Always Underperform?
Now You Can Achieve Your Potential & More

Top athletes, sports men and women, along with their coaches and trainers now accept that there is much more to sports performance than being physically able and skilful.

How many times has the underdog won against the favourite? How many times has someone blown what seems like an unassailable lead in a game?

Sports coaches recognise that it is often the mental game that can make the difference between a champion and an also-ran.


Sports psychology can make an athlete, a golfer, a footballer or any sports person gain a competitive and winning edge. Even the amateur sports player can gain through a little know-how and inside knowledge.

This self hypnosis recording helps your mental game. It brings with it a new way of viewing your game and your opponent. If ever you wanted to improve your game, this is just for you.


Surprise Your Competition
Play The Mental Game To Win

Authored by International Hypnoanalyst Duncan McColl

Get Your Mp3 Hypnosis recording in minutes

All recordings include a 30 day “no quibble” guarantee

Issued worldwide by professional hypnotherapists to patients

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Excel at Sports Hypnosis
Mp3 Download

Contains a full hypnotherapy session (running time approx 45 minutes)